11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem
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11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

Build an unstoppable mindset and an unshakeable identity

11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem | Self development and personal growth quotes


Self confidence is not always easy to come by, especially when self doubt, low self esteem and negative thoughts can pollute the mind.

Sometimes, we need a little encouragement and motivation to build and maintain our confidence levels. That’s where inspiring quotes from confident people come in.

In this article, we will explore some of the most powerful quotes about confidence and discuss how you can use them to boost your self esteem and achieve success.

11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem | Self development and personal growth quotes

11 Self Confidence Quotes

1. "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." - Christian D. Larson

This quote by Christian D. Larson highlights the importance of believing in yourself.

When you have confidence in yourself, you are able to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

Self-belief is the foundation of confidence, and it is essential that you cultivate it if you want to get rid of low confidence issues.

11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem | Self development and personal growth quotes

2. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, encourages us to find joy and fulfilment in our work.

When you love what you do, you are more likely to approach it with conviction, energy, and passion. This, in turn, can help you to perform at your best, which can lead to high self confidence.

11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem | Self development and personal growth quotes

3. "Confidence is the courage to be yourself, no matter what others may think or say." - Finding Freedom

This quote speaks to the importance of being true to yourself and not letting others define who you are.

When you have confidence in yourself, you are able to ignore negative comments or criticism and focus on your own strengths and abilities.

By embracing who you are and being confident in your own skin, you can build a strong foundation of self worth and confidence.

11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem | Self development and personal growth quotes

4. "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." - A. A. Milne

This quote by A. A. Milne shines a light on the idea that we are often more capable than we realize.

By reminding ourselves of our strengths and abilities, we can build our confidence and tackle challenges with a positive attitude. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, you are able to take on new challenges and opportunities with confidence.

11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem | Self development and personal growth quotes

5. "Confidence is not the absence of fear, it’s the triumph over it." - Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela reminds us that confidence is about eradicating fear altogether, but rather the ability to overcome it.

Everyone has things they fear in their personal life; and most of us try to avoid ever having to face them. However, when we charge at them head-on and come out on top, it is the quickest way to gain self confidence, become more resilient and wave goodbye to limiting beliefs.

This quote encourages us to embrace our fears and use them as opportunities for growth and development.

11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem | Self development and personal growth quotes

6. "A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you." - Finding Freedom

This quote speaks to the power of positive thinking and the impact it can have on our confidence levels.

By maintaining a positive attitude and focusing on our strengths and abilities, we can gain control over our circumstances and feel more self assurance in our ability to succeed.

When you approach challenges and opportunities with positive thought, you are more likely to experience better results and start believing you're capable of greater success.

11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem | Self development and personal growth quotes

7. "Confidence is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon

Similar to Mandela's quote mentioned previously, Ambrose Redmoon speaks on the idea that confidence is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to prioritize other things over fear.

When you have confidence in yourself, you are able to focus on what is most important to you and ignore the fear that may be holding you back.

By putting your priorities first, you can build your confidence and pursue your goals with determination and conviction.

11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem | Self development and personal growth quotes

8. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill reminds us that success and failure are not the be-all and end-all, but rather it is the courage to continue that is most important.

When you have high self confidence, you are able to continue pursuing your goals and aspirations even in the face of failure.

This persistence and determination can lead to ultimate success and increased confidence levels.

9. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Our doubts can limit our potential for success.

To build self confidence, we must break down the barriers that we have built in our own minds - whether real or imagined.

They may be the very thing holding us back from reaching our full potential.

10. "Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond your control." - Richard Kline

Richard Kline emphasizes the importance of preparation in building confidence.

By preparing yourself and your abilities, you are more likely to approach challenges and opportunities with confidence.

This preparation can also help you to feel more in control, which can lead to increased self confidence.

A lot of sports stars use this technique to feel confident before a game or sports event. It helps them get in the right frame of mind and get beyond any self doubt or negative thoughts they may typically experience before a performance.

11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem | Self development and personal growth quotes

11. "The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do." - Unknown

If you only do things that you're comfortable doing, how can you grow and prepare for when you're faced with adversity.

By stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking on new challenges, you can truly build your self confidence and become more resilient.

This can help you to tackle new opportunities with a positive attitude and increased confidence.

11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem | Self development and personal growth quotes


In conclusion, confidence is a crucial ingredient for success in all aspects of life.

By using inspiring quotes from confident people, we can gain motivation and encouragement to build and maintain our self confidence.

Embracing who we are, getting out of our comfort zone, and prioritizing our goals will boost our chances of achieving success and reaching our full potential.

Remember, confidence is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to overcome it and pursue our goals with determination and conviction.

11 Confidence Quotes To Boost Self Esteem | Self development and personal growth quotes


What makes a confident man?

Confidence means seeing a future without obstacles and going for exactly what you want.

A confident person doesn't just act like one; he embodies it because he has been shaped by the trials and tribulations of life and grown in every aspect.

He is self assured, good at public speaking, has a positive self image and doesn't engage in negative self talk.

Is confidence a skill?

You can build confidence like any other skill. It requires dedication and persistence towards who you want to be. To build confidence is to expand the potential for your life as you go for things rather than waiting on the side-line.

You must master your inner dialogue by reducing negative thought and practice positive self talk.

It is also essential to become competent at stress management, adopt a growth mindset and build positive relationships to develop confidence and boost self esteem.

Gaining confidence meaning?

Gaining confidence is when you begin to put trust in your own abilities, qualities, and judgment.

You are more likely to take risks, speak up, and pursue your passions. You develop a growth mindset, practice positive affirmations, and reduce the negative self talk and self doubt that clouds the human mind.

How to gain confidence in yourself?

To start gaining confidence in yourself, identify your personal strengths and unique qualities, and focus on them.

You should also surround yourself with positive and supportive people, and practice self-care. Furthermore, set achievable goals and track your progress. When you reach them, reward yourself and take time to reflect on your successes.

Remember, gaining confidence in oneself is a journey, not a destination.

How to quickly build confidence?

To quickly build confidence, you should first identify your areas of expertise and focus on them - giving you a sense of accomplishment and a boost of confidence.

Secondly, surround yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in you and encourage you.

Thirdly, challenge yourself by stepping outside your comfort zone and attempting new experiences.

Finally, practice self-care, prioritize your mental and physical well-being, and make time for relaxation and reflection.

How to gain confidence in speaking?

A great way to gain confidence in speaking is by talking to people you feel comfortable with. This will help you become more articulate and comfortable speaking in general.

Another effective method is by ensuring you're using slow and steady breathing to ensure you stay calm and composed.

You should also prepare what you're going to say or, if it is just a regular conversation, try to stick with topics you are competent with until you're a more confident speaker.

How to be more confident with women?

To be more confident with women, you should ensure your body language is open and expansive - with you're back straight and shoulders back - as this suggests a confident, self-assured man. Research shows that power poses are a great tool for when people struggle with low confidence.

You should also become aware of the situations that make you feel shy so you can prepare for them and work out how you're going to overcome them.

Another way to be confident around women is to change your internal monologue. If your self talk is always negative and critical, then it will show in how you speak and act. If you have a positive self image and practice positive affirmations, your behaviour and aura will be more attractive.

An important way to increase your confidence with women is by keeping eye contact. This not only shows respect and interest, but it also screams that you're confident - which goes for all social situations.

What are signs of low self esteem?

  • Self critical

  • Feel self conscious

  • Has limiting beliefs

  • Low sense of self worth

  • Compares someone else's life to their own

  • Poor social life

  • Negative body image

  • Uncomfortable in social situations

  • Cannot hold eye contact

  • Low self confidence

  • Struggles to build relationships

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