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FALLEN ANGELS Art Series | Angel Art, Divine, Biblical, Azael, Apollyon, sariel, lucifer | Fallen Angels Paintings | Mind Maestro AI



Fallen Angels Art

Fallen Angels were ethereal beings that were once revered as celestial guardians, charged with protecting the divine realm. But their fall from grace, a tragic event that shook the very foundations of the universe, continues to echo through the ages serving as a reminder of the dangers of hubris and the perils of temptation.

There are many legends and myths regarding the Fallen Angels, from tales of their involvement in human affairs to stories of their own internal conflicts and struggles. They are often portrayed as beings of great power and knowledge, with the ability to manipulate reality and bend the laws of nature to their will.

Their rebellion against the divine order is seen as a tragic consequence of their desire to assert their own will, to chart their own course, to forge their own destiny. But, their story also serves as a reminder of the transformative power of redemption and the possibility of finding a new path, even after one has fallen from grace.

The Fallen Angels


The Destroyer of Worlds

"In the Abyss of Destruction, Novelty is Born"

The Fallen Angel Apollyon, also known as the "Destroyer", is a mysterious and formidable figure in mythology and literature. With his dark wings and piercing gaze, he is said to have once been a powerful angel, but was cast out of heaven for his rebellious nature.


Now, he roams the earth, seeking to sow chaos and destruction wherever he goes. Legends speak of his terrifying power and his ability to manipulate the elements themselves. Some even claim that he can possess the minds of mortals, leading them down a path of darkness and despair.


Despite his fearsome reputation, however, there are some who believe that Apollyon may one day be redeemed, and that his true purpose has yet to be revealed.

Armaros Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


Earth of God

"Mover of Mountains"

The Fallen Angel Arakiel, also known as the "Earthly One", is a mysterious and elusive figure in mythology and legend. With his rugged features and earthy demeanor, he is said to have once been an angelic protector of nature, entrusted with maintaining the delicate balance between the elements.


However, he fell from grace and was cast out of heaven for his deep love for the material world. Now, he roams the earth, his presence felt but his location unknown. Some say that he still seeks to protect the natural world, while others claim that he has become corrupted by his desire for earthly pleasures.


Whatever his true nature may be, Arakiel remains a potent symbol of the forces of nature and the power of the elements. His story is a reminder of the importance of balance and harmony in the world, and the dangers of losing sight of the bigger picture.

Azael Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


The Lightning of God

"The Stars tell the Story of Eternity"

The Fallen Angel Baraqiel, also known as the "Lightning One", is a figure of both awe and fear in mythology and folklore. With his striking appearance and thunderous presence, he is said to have once been an angel of thunder and lightning, charged with the awesome power of the storm.


However, he fell from grace and was cast out of heaven for his transgressions with female humans. Now, he roams the earth, his fury manifesting in the form of thunderbolts and lightning strikes. Some say that he seeks to bring order to the chaos of the natural world, while others claim that he simply revels in the destructive power of the storm. Whatever his true motivations may be, Baraqiel remains a potent symbol of the uncontrollable forces of nature and the raw power of the elements. His story is a reminder of the power of nature and the need for respect and caution in the face of its fury.

Chazaqiel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


God has Judged

"I'll always catch you when you fall"

There are varying beliefs about the existence of a Fallen Angel named Daniel.


Some religious texts suggest that he was a virtuous and powerful angel, highly regarded by God and trusted with important tasks. However, others suggest that he fell from grace due to his desire for power and his ambition to overthrow God. Regardless of which story one chooses to believe, the tale of Daniel is one of caution and warning.


It serves as a reminder of the dangers of pride and the consequences of challenging divine authority. For those who believe in his existence, Daniel represents the ultimate test of faith and the importance of remaining humble in the face of great power. His story serves as a warning that even the most trusted and revered can succumb to temptation and fall from grace.

Gadreel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI
Apollyon Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


The Cursed One

"The world turns without him. Lost to time, his youth, his comfort, his mind"

The Fallen Angel Armaros, also known as the "The Cursed One", is a mysterious and enigmatic figure in mythology and folklore. With his piercing eyes and ethereal aura, he is said to have once been a guardian angel, tasked with watching over the affairs of humans.


However, he fell from grace and was cast out of heaven for his forbidden teachings to humanity. Now, he wanders the earth, his true motives unknown. Some say that he seeks to make amends for his past transgressions, while others claim that he is a master manipulator, playing a long game that only he understands. Whatever his intentions may be, one thing is certain - Armaros is a being of immense power and influence, with the ability to shape the course of history itself. His story is a cautionary tale of the dangers of curiosity and ambition, and the consequences of defying the natural order.

Arakiel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


The scapegoat

"Wager of War; the path of ultimate destruction"

The Fallen Angel Azael, also known as the "scapegoat", is a figure of darkness and temptation in mythology and folklore. With his seductive voice and alluring presence, he is said to have once been an angel of wisdom, entrusted with teaching mortals the secrets of the universe.


After his fall from grace, he wanders the earth now after teaching humans how to make swords, knives, shields and breastplates: the makers of war. Some say that he seeks to corrupt humanity in order to gain ultimate power, while others claim that he simply revels in the chaos and destruction that he creates. Whatever his true motivations may be, Azael remains a potent symbol of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the consequences of giving in to temptation. His story is a cautionary tale of the corrupting influence of power, and the importance of staying true to one's principles in the face of temptation.

Baraqiel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


Cloud of God

"God Whispers into the Winds of Time"

The Fallen Angel Chazaqiel, also known as the "Keeper of Secrets", is a figure shrouded in mystery and intrigue in mythology and legend. With her cloudy and enigmatic presence, she is said to have once been an angel of knowledge, entrusted with guarding the secrets of the universe. However, she fell from grace and was cast out of heaven for her obsession with forbidden knowledge.


Now, she wanders the earth with her motives and intentions unknown. Some say that she seeks to use his knowledge for the betterment of humanity, while others claim that she hoards her secrets for her own gain.


Whatever the truth may be, Chazaqiel remains a potent symbol of the power of knowledge and the dangers of obsession. Her story is a reminder that there are some secrets that should remain hidden, and that the pursuit of knowledge can sometimes lead to a darker path.

Daniel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


The Wall of God

"The Gate has fallen, I have failed, but Light will shine once more"

The Fallen Angel Gadreel, also known as the "Wall of God", is a massive figure in mythology and legend. He was the chosen guardian of the Garden of Eden before Uriel, until Lucifer managed to trick Gadreel into letting Samael and Lilith in.


In attempt to rectify his mistakes, even though he knew it would be impossible to be redeemed for such an act, Gadreel pleaded with God to bestow upon him a new position as recompense for his previously failed duty. God accepted and moved Gadreel to the Watchers, tasked with observing and guiding mankind alongside 200 other Watcher angels.


Whatever the truth may be, Gadreel remains a potent symbol of the dangers of deception and the consequences of betraying trust. His story serves as a warning that even the most faithful can fall prey to temptation and the allure of power.


The Star of God

"Trust the Universe within and Everything will make sense"

The Fallen Angel Kokabiel, also known as the "Star of God", is a figure of both wonder and fear in mythology. With his celestial presence and otherworldly knowledge, he is said to have once been an angel of the stars, charged with understanding the mysteries of the universe.


However, he was cast out from heaven for attempting to teach forbidden knowledge to humans. Now, he roams the earth, his knowledge and power coveted by many. Some say that he seeks to share his knowledge for the betterment of humanity, while others claim that he uses his power for his own gain. Kokabiel remains a potent symbol of the wonders and mysteries of the universe, and the dangers of seeking knowledge that should remain hidden. His story serves as a reminder that some secrets are meant to be kept, and that the pursuit of knowledge can lead to great danger if not tempered by wisdom, discernment and caution.

Penemue Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


Thunder of God

"Vengeance  sits in my mind like Thunder waiting to rumble"

The Fallen Angel Ramiel, also known as the "Thunder of God", With his imposing presence and powerful abilities, he is said to have once been an angel of judgment, tasked with punishing those who dared to challenge divine authority.


However, he fell from grace and was cast out of heaven for his own arrogance and pride. Some say that he was one of the few fallen angels that received forgiveness from God, while others claim that he continues to mete out his own brand of justice on those he deems deserving.


Whatever the truth may be, Ramiel remains a potent symbol of the dangers of arrogance and the consequences of defying divine authority. His story serves as a reminder that even the most powerful can fall from grace if they succumb to pride and hubris.

Sariel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


The Side of God

"The truth is an empty chamber, waiting to be filled with the worlds of those who seek it"

The Fallen Angel Sathariel, also known as the "Concealer of God", has an elusive presence and bears enigmatic knowledge. He is said to have once been an angel of secrets, tasked with safeguarding divine mysteries from those who would seek to exploit them.


Sathariel was known to be a weaver of stories, for when Samyaza would speak of the tales regarding the conception of the universe and all that transpired within it, Sathariel would weave these tales from the imagination of the human mind, creating a fantastical cacophony of what can be perceived behind the veils of reality.

Even after his fall, it is said that Sathariel's woven celestial tapestries touched the minds of mortals and would be passed on for ages to come, leading to what would be called as abstract art, a showing of an image which deceptively hides a deeper story.

Shamsiel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


Perfection of God

"Under the surface of the world, an invisible force exerts itself upon us"

The Fallen Angel Tamiel, also known as the "Perfection of God", is an enigmatic figure of Light and dakrness in mythology. He was an angel of Astrology that was also known to put humans into a dream state of their perfect Heaven. Tamiel did this for thousands of years under a variety of different names.


However, he fell from grace and was cast out of heaven along with the other fallen angels for their transgressions. Now, he lurks in the shadows of Earth in a lower vibration. Some say that he seeks to corrupt humanities justice system to serve his own ends, while others claim that he delights in causing chaos and suffering.


Tamiel's story serves as a warning that the desire for retribution must always be tempered with mercy and fairness, and that the pursuit of justice can easily become a tool of oppression if not approached with care.

Turiel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI

He Shall Rise


"It's a secret spell. Pain...... pain...... fly and go!"

The Fallen Angel Yequon, also known as the "Deceiver of Light", is a figure of cunning and manipulation in mythology and legend. With his silver tongue and beguiling charm, he is said to have once been an angel of wisdom, tasked with guiding mortals towards the light of truth.


However, he fell from grace and was cast out of heaven for his own arrogance and desire to control the minds of humanity for malevolent reasons. Now, he walks among mortals, using his powers of persuasion to twist the truth and lead them astray. Yequon remains a potent symbol of the dangers of deceit and the importance of questioning what we are told. This can serve as a warning that the pursuit of knowledge and truth must always be tempered with humility and scepticism, and that we must be wary of those who seek to control us through manipulation and lies.

Yomiel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


Purity of God

"Purity fell and chaos ensued...  I was born again"

The Fallen Angel Zaqiel, also known as the "Harbinger of Chaos", is a figure of fear and destruction in mythology and legend. With his fiery presence and thunderous voice, he is said to have once been an angel of justice, tasked with punishing those who dared to disturb the natural order.


However, he fell from grace and was cast out of heaven for his own destructive tendencies and thirst for chaos. Now, he roams the earth, leaving chaos and destruction in his restless wake. Some say that he seeks to bring about the end of the world, while others claim that he simply revels in the chaos he creates. Whatever the truth may be, Zaqiel remains a potent symbol of the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of always striving towards balance and harmony.

Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI
Kokabiel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


The Insider

"Among all of the powers & principalities, there is none so mighty as man’s unsatisfied desire"

The Fallen Angel Penemue, also known as the "Angel of the written word", is a figure of mystery and intrigue in mythology and legend. With his knowledge and wisdom, he is said to have once been an angel tasked with being the scribe of God.

However, he fell from grace and was cast out of heaven for his desire to share forbidden knowledge, leading humanity astray. Now, he wanders the earth and bears the title of undisputed master of words.


Penemue remains a potent symbol of the power of knowledge and the dangers of sharing it without caution. His story serves as a warning that the pursuit of knowledge must be tempered with wisdom and responsibility, lest it lead to unintended consequences.

Ramiel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


Prince of God

"There is no death without life, no life without death"

The Fallen Angel Sariel, also known as the "Prince of God", is a figure of darkness and dread in mythology and legend. With his eerie presence and fearsome power, he is said to have once been an angel of death, tasked with guiding souls to the afterlife.


However, he fell from grace and was cast out of heaven for telling humanity the secrets of his role. Now, he lurks in the shadows, his true motives and intentions unknown. Some say that he seeks to regain his former status by manipulating life and death to his will, while others claim that he revels in the chaos and destruction he causes. Sariel remains a potent symbol of the darkness within us all, and the dangers of seeking power beyond our understanding. His story serves as a warning that death is not something to be trifled with, and that the consequences of meddling with the natural order can be dire.

Sathariel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


The Sun of God

"Light, Light, 0' Glorious Light, shine upon me once again"

The Fallen Angel Shamsiel, also known as the "Angel of the Sun", is a figure of both beauty and terror in mythology and legend. With his radiant presence and fiery power, he is said to have once been an angel of light, tasked with bringing warmth and life to the world through the power of the sun.


However, he fell from grace and was cast out of heaven along with the watchers. Some say that he seeks to regain his former glory by using his power to control the sun, while others claim that he revels in the destruction he causes through droughts and wildfires. Whatever the truth may be, Shamsiel remains a potent symbol of the power and danger of the sun, and the consequences of seeking to control forces beyond our understanding.

Tamiel Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


Mountain of God

"Let thy magic cast upon me as I am Turiel, the Mountain of God"

The Fallen Angel Turiel, also known as the "Guardian of the Abyss". Turiel was one of the angels to show humanity the gifts of magic. With that, he has been treated as a False God of Magic and Mystery similar to the Archangel Raziel. After his fall, Turiel is able to take of a Snow Leopard and to this reigns over the snowy mountains. It is because of this that he caused the indigenous people of Asia as well as the Himalayan, to see the Snow Leopard as a messenger or even an avatar of the deities that reside within the mountains or are the mountains themselves.


Turiel remains a potent symbol of the dangers of power and the consequences of seeking to control forces beyond our understanding. His story serves as a warning that there are some things that should never be tampered with, and that the pursuit of power can ultimately lead to one's downfall.

Yequon Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


Day of God

"May the Truth set you free"

The Fallen Angel Yomiel, also known as the "Silent One", is a figure of mystery and intrigue in mythology and legend. With his enigmatic presence and quiet demeanor, he is said to have once been an angel of revelation, tasked with communicating the secrets of the universe to those deemed worthy.


However, he fell from grace and was cast out of heaven for his own aloofness and detachment, now just observing but rarely speaking. Some say that he seeks to reclaim his place in the heavens, while others claim that he has no desire for redemption and instead seeks to simply observe the world from afar. Yomiel remains a potent symbol of the dangers of detachment and the importance of communication. His story serves as a warning that we must never isolate ourselves from the world around us, and that we must always strive to connect with others and share our knowledge and experiences.

Fallen Angel Art | Angel Artwork, Biblical, Fallen Angel Paintings | Mind Maestro AI


The Demon of Lust

"I know how men in exile feed on dreams"

Asmodeus, the Fallen Angel, is a captivating figure in many ancient legends and religious texts. Known as the "Prince of Lust," Asmodeus is often depicted as a powerful demon who tempts mortals with worldly pleasures and encourages them to indulge in sinful desires.

In some stories, Asmodeus is said to have once been an angel of light, who rebelled against God and was cast down from heaven. With his vast powers and cunning intellect, he has since become a master of deception and seduction, using his charms to corrupt the innocent and lead them down the path of darkness.

Despite his demonic nature, there is something undeniably alluring about Asmodeus. His dark charisma and seductive powers have made him a popular subject in literature, art, and film. From his fiery wings and piercing gaze to his sultry voice and magnetic presence, Asmodeus is a figure that captures the imagination and leaves an indelible impression on all who encounter him.

Fallen Angels Art Prints


What are Fallen Angels?

Fallen Angels are angels who have rebelled against God and have been cast out of heaven as punishment for their sins. The reasons for the Fallen Angels' rebellion vary depending on the source of the story. In some traditions, they rebelled out of jealousy of humans, while in others they rebelled against God's plan for creation.

How do Fallen Angels differ from demons?

While Fallen Angels and demons are both considered to be entities that have rebelled against God, the distinction between the two can vary depending on the tradition. In some cases, Fallen Angels are seen as a separate class of beings from demons, while in others they are considered to be the same.

What is the story behind the fallen angel?

The story behind the fallen angel varies depending on religious and mythological traditions. In many of these traditions, angels were created by God or a higher power to serve and carry out divine will. However, some angels rebelled against their creator and were cast out of heaven, becoming known as the Fallen Angels.

One of the most well-known stories of the Fallen Angels comes from Christianity, where it is believed that the archangel Lucifer led a rebellion against God due to his pride and desire for power. As a result, he and a third of the heavenly host were cast out of heaven and became demons. These became the Fallen Angels you see in this art series.

Can Fallen Angels be redeemed?

In some religious traditions, it is believed that Fallen Angels can repent and be forgiven by God, and thus be redeemed. However, in other traditions, the fall is seen as a permanent state, and the Fallen Angels are irredeemable. According to the book of Enoch there are only a few Fallen Angels that were forgiven.

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